Saturday, November 7, 2009

Procrastination: The Bane of My Existence, GPA,...and other things.

Today, I shut myself off from the internet and decided to just get down to it and write the research paper I'm supposed to be writing on hemophilia. I got half of it done in an hour or two...and then I let myself back on, and (as you can see) I haven't gotten anything else done since.

This just goes to show you (me...) that I really can get a lot done when I"m actually trying... the problem is that I usually am not trying.

So to drive this point home, I decided that as soon as I go get my laundry out of the dryer, I'm going to watch a movie. :-P After all, it's Saturday night, I should do something fun.

But anyways...I go through phases of loving and hating this class I'm taking- The Molecular Basis of Human Disease (very genetics-focused...cross-listed between molecular bio and genetics). Sometimes I love it because it's sort of clinically relevant, and I'm like "one day I'll learn this in Med school, and it'll be cool that I have already seen a tiny bit of this stuff", but then I hate it because I don't really feel like memorizing the alphabet soup of the mechanism.

I think I've been reading too many med student blogs lately...I was trying to come up with what my studying system is going to be in med school...only problem is I have no idea how my classes are going to be formatted or how the material is going to be presented, so it's sort of pointless.
And, lately I've been trying to think of a specialty I will like more than surgery, because part of me doesn't want to do it, only because of the massive drain on your life and time that it is. But I picture myself bored with everything else. Maybe it's my subconscious desire to to surgery not allowing me to see clearly though. hmmmm...
I guess I'll have to wait until med school clerkships to find out.
All this waiting, I don't know if I can handle it!

Well. my laundry should be done. Off to finish my paper (read: watch a movie)!

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