Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Master of Procrastination

So just for today (ha...) this blog is becoming my tool for procrastinating.
And now I can't even think what it was I was going to write...It was actually sort of interesting too. :-/

oh well.
I just registered for the MCAT about 2 minutes ago...i'll take it Saturday, January 30th, 2009.

I guess that will be more motivating for me to study, having a definite date in mind.

I found out the other day that they expanded the human anatomy and physiology class her to be open to 250 people, but i found this out AFTER my pre-enrollment period was over. so now i am emailing everyone I think can be helpful to try to get myself into the class. It would be absolutely amazing if I could do that!

The other day I decided to memorize the cranial nerves:
I olfactory
II optical
III oculomotor
IV trochlear
V trigeminal
VI abducens
VII facial
VIII vestibulochoclear
IX glossopharyngeal
X vagus
XI accessory
XII hypoglossal
wahoo. now, to memorize the function, foramen, branches, and innervation of each one...plus a million more!

I guess I really should study now, huh. I wish I had my mom's insane ability to not procrastinate. I would be such a better student/person if I could manage to have the compulsion to do things as soon as possible, instead of putting everything off until I feel like it.

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