Tuesday, October 4, 2011


My waking-up-in-the-morning skills are...sporadic at best.

Most days I'm fine....hit snooze a couple of times, eventually drag my still-tired self out of bed.

Many, many...MANY times I've tried to come up with more creative ways to wake myself up.

I've done the "put the alarm across the room" thing...but that just results in waking up, grabbing my phone, hitting snooze, and taking it back into the bed with me.
I set multiple alarms for a few minutes apart, but I get confused by which one is going off and which one has already gone off, and on more than 1 occasion I've shut both alarms off instead of snoozing and woken up with a start 20 minutes later and had to super-rush to get ready.

This morning, I set an alarm for 8, and one for 8:45. I figured if I accidentally turned off the 8am one, at least the 8:45 one would wake me up and I'd have juuust enough time to rush through getting ready and skip the shower for sticking my head in the sink, and run to class.

Bad plan.

Because when the 8:45 alarm went off (I have no idea what happened to the first one...) I hit snooze, turned it off, got up, took a shower...and THEN looked at the clock to see that my lecture had started 20 minutes ago. In disbelief I checked another clock...and then realized what had happened.

So now I have all this extra time because there's NO WAY I'm gonna be THAT PERSON who shows up a full half hour late to a lecture...I'll just wait for the scribe. (my school has a program where people transcribe all the lectures (minus the "um"s and "okay, so..."s)). Plus it was "the oral cavity" and that's not thaaaat exciting to me. :-P

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