Monday, July 1, 2013


So after a potential catastrophe (in which I had not gotten any emails from Delta about my flight, so I called the military's travel agency who had "booked" my flight, and found out that somehow they had not finalized my flight, so the airline cancelled the reservation after 72 hours.....and then thankfully they re-booked it and all was well) I got on a plane and off I went to Atlanta, caught a connection to Montgomery. I almost dind't make that flight because we were delayed a bit because of too much traffic around Atlanta. I was terrified I was going to have to sprint across terminals to get to my next flight. I asked the flight attendant if she knew what the liklihood of my connection being in the same terminal was, and she checked the delta app on her phone and told me it was like 2 gates over. Thank. You. God. So I made that flight.

I found someone from our COT class facebook group on my flight, and we met another girl in the airport, and took a cab over to base, then met again in the lobby of our on-base hotel to see if we could find some FOOD because it was almost 9 by then. A large group of people from the facebook group had already been out to dinner but that was hours ago. We were asking the lady at the front desk where we might eat, and a woman overheard us and offered to drive us over to the Subway that was just off base. It wasn't that far but apparently Montgomery is NOT a safe place to walk by yourself...pretty much ever, and especially at night. So we were like, thanks! So we find out she is an E9 (E = enlisted, 9 = the number that comes after 8, and 7, and 6..) which means she is the highest enlisted rank in the Air Force. And she's picking up a bunch of absolute nobodies and bringing us to McDonalds (Subway was closed). Clearly, we are not in New York. This be the south.

On that note, I am having a major language barrier issue here. I couldn't understand half of what our cab driver was saying, or 90% of what the girl at McDonald's was saying, and half of what the front desk hotel people were saying. It's really bad. I have to say "I'm sorry?" a million times per conversation. I feel really bad...but i really just have no idea what you are saying, could you please repeat yourself 50 times? Welcome to the deep south. Thanks.

Anyway. So we got our food and brought it back to the hotel and ate in the lobby waiting for our other facebook friends to arrive, which a few did, and 7 of us sat around and hung out for a while. Good times.

Tomorrow morning we're going to to go Waffle House at 10 and plan to report in at 12 (we are supposed to go between 9 and 3. We don't want to be overachievers or slackers, so we are going at the exact middle).
So that's it! I'm off to sleep my last sleep that doesn't end with someone kicking on my door at 4:30 for a while. Good night!

1 comment:

Kd said...

Glad you arrived safely. It seems a common challenge is language, you studied Swahili last time, maybe English would have been wise too! Lol