Thursday, March 31, 2011


I was gonna write a normal post, but that will come tomorrow I think.

Remember how I said Naivasha was perfect? Well let's think of a city in the US with the exact OPPOSITE weather. No sun, feet and feet and feet of snow, cold all the time, basically in Canada...yes, Buffalo, NY. It was my 2nd-to-last-choice medical school at first, only because of the location. The school itself is everything I was looking for though.

I've always wanted to go to medical school in New York City. Since I was 14 at least. So God knew if I got accepted to a school in NYC, I'd have gone there over all the other schools, even if it had been something like Hopkins or Harvard (not that I even bothered applying to either of those places). So I'm seeing now that God didn't want me in NYC, since I didn't get into any of the 4 schools I applied to there. So we were down to Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Los Angeles. I didn't want to go to LA, because of location, and I was a bit relieved, even, when I got a "no thank you" email from them. So now we were down to Buffalo and Philly. Philly is just about half the distance from Carmel as Buffalo, and warmer, so Philly it was...and then today I got an email from them too. So after a brief moment of panic and several seconds of asking God if He was intentionally TRYING to drive me insane or not, I have no choice but to trust Him that I'll get a different answer from Buffalo. And I cannot fathom why (I tell God "this had better be good") I should need to be in Buffalo (well I have some ideas, but nothing that couldn't happen in some place closer and less snowy. You all know how I feel about snow, right!? [I sort of hate it]).

So all the medical schools are reaching the end of their decision-making process...which means they have x interview spots left and 4x applicaitons left, and they have to one by one weed people out until they get x people to offer interviews to. So it's sort of a good sign that it took/is taking this long, I'm still in the running.

So my mom has a client of hers that she regularly massages who is a doctor who graduated from Buffalo many years ago, who decided she wanted to write me a letter of recommendation to add to my pile. Oh yeah, and she personally knows the director of admissions. So I talked to her on the phone and she wrote and sent in a very nice letter for me addressed directly to him.

So now I have no choice but to trust that I'll get into Buffalo
and now I have no choice but to very humbling-ly know that it really had nothing to do with my grades (which were okay...) or my extracurriculars (which were moderately impressive) and essay (which I've been told was really good...) , but everything relating to me getting in to med school was actually an act of God.

While that makes me feel good to think that God's acting on my behalf, it's quite a blow to my pride/ego/fear of judgement/call it what you will.

that God's will much as I can barely comprehend the thought, even if it's not med school or at least not right now. Because I know that any plans I have for myself, if they're not the same as God's I don't want them to happen. Even if I think I'm getting everything I ever wanted, and that I'm happy...I am not as happy as I could have been had I been in God's perfect plan.

Heidi, I had a dream about this exact situation...typing a blog post about Buffalo. NOT Deja vu. :-P

The end.


jsd said...

I sincerely believe that your outlook pleases God... I guess you already know that we are storming the gates here!

Pastor Nik & Susan Adwalpalker said...

We are believing for great things ahead - whatever God has up His sleeve. I know how long you've been wanting this - I was your cell leader/youth leader/friend! We are praying for this decision to be clear and exactly what God had in plan for you. You are a treasure He created for His perfect plan. We love you and can't say enough how proud we are of you!

Tracy said...

this post makes me happy. if only everyone could understand that what God wants for us will truly make us happy...and if only those of us who believe it could believe it 100% of the time!

Unknown said...

it's okay yellie! it's gonna ROCK. God knows what he is doing. And Buffalo is SOOO not that bad! there are some great things in Buffalo. I'll come visit you all the time. And it's not MUCH MUCH snowier than Ithaca. ANDDDDD snow motivates you to stay inside and drink tea and STUDY, which you will be doing a lot of.

i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

God's plan is ALWAYS better than our plan. Just hang on and see what He does. I know you bless Him in your trust of Him! I am smiling as I think of you! love, kd

Heidi said...

ohhhh nielly... whatev. (in response to your dream statement) :-P

As for the rest... keep trusting! He'll get us through :-)

I love you SO much. thank you for the call, also... I didn't answer cause I was in vet school meetings (actually with the assistant dean! :-P - on vibrate, don't worry). But I'm trusting Him along with you... both for you and for me :-)

Hope we can actually chat soon!

Lori Decker said...

We are praying for you, Danielle. I love how you have realized that everything is in His hands. It took me a lot longer to learn that than it took you. I found that when we completely and totally leave it to Him, He never lets us down! Keep us posted. We know God has great and wonderful things in store for you!!!

Anonymous said...

My Dear Danielle,
Do not fear the unknown for God knows the plan and He is the one who is leading the way. As frustrating as it know .. You are an incredible person with many gifts. God will allow you to share these gifts with the world! I love you and miss you terribly!
love, Aunt NA

Stephanie said...

I can't really add to what your friends and family have said, I especially "like" (would push button if i could) jsd's and Tracy's comments. God bless you Yellie.