Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hello Newcomers!

So I just sent this link to about a million people on facebook, so hello to all of you who have never been here before!

In case you haven't heard, or you forgot, or you just want to hear it again, here is what's going on here:

On January 12, 2011 I am flying in an airplane or two to Nairobi, Kenya, where I will be participating in medical missions...stuff...for 6 months! I'll be working with missionaries who are already there, who work to set up clinics all over Kenya and organize teams from other countries to come in and do short-term medical trips.

I'll be doing...basically whatever they let me do! A little this, a little that, a little surgery, maybe? :-P

I'll be coming back in July of 2011 and if all goes as planned, going to medical school starting in August of 2011.
I'll be keeping this blog to keep all of you people back home (or off on their own adventures in Uganda- Hi Heidlebergenshchmergenstein!) so check back every so often to see what I've been up to! I'll try to update as often as I possibly can, but no guarantees what the internet will be like once I get there so keep your hopes up, but your expectations moderate. :-P
Thanks for reading! :)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I LOOOOVE YOU! I will be reading from Uganda whenever I can get my internet to upload your page :P It's going to be AMAZING!!!!!!