Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Sooooooo TODAY my darling Mommy Dearest and my darling Daddy Dearest and I sat around the phone and had a speakerphone conversation with the missionaries that I have been emailing back and forth about my trip to Kenya.

It was awesome to get to talk to them in person and ask questions and instantly get an answer, and ask clarifying questions and instantly get an answer, and just ask as things popped into our heads. Mom and Dad LOVED it because they were doing all the worrying I probably should have been doing but was too excited to do, and they got a lot of details they'd been concerned about getting.

But I just got EXCITED.


Plan so far: Sometime at the beginning of January I fly into Nairobi and meet up with my host missionaries, and go with them to live in some sort of missions compound (from what I've gathered it's a group of houses/apartments/guest house-type things) for a little bit until I get accustomed to the area and how things are run, and then start getting involved in one of the many clinics they are working to set up. My host missionaries work with Kenyan doctors and other medical people to set up permanent medical clinics all over Kenya. Several are in the Nairobi area, within an hour or so, and a few are scattered farther away. I'm going to spend about a month in each of 6 different locations just working with the doctors and doing whatever I can.
In March there is a missions conference in Mombasa that I'll get to go to as well.

And the best part (rather, the part that I got MOST excited about tonight!) is that my visa, a tourist visa, only lasts for 3 months. so at some point, I have to leave the country and come back in. So I could go to Uganda, and then come back. And guess who's going to be in Uganda? HEIDI!!!
Now. before you get SUPER excited for me, realize that she's going to be far, far away from Kampala, Uganda (the place I'd likely fly into)
If MY visa expires, that means hers is going to expire TWICE. And she's gonna have to leave the country TWICE. Now maybe, juuuuust maybe, between me leaving once and her leaving twice, we could actually SEE EACH OTHER in Africa!
how cool would that be? :)

So that's what I'm praying for this week. :-P

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